Opis |
Stvara oprugu s varijablom heliksa. Otkriveni su: Površina (smjer lica), Cilindar (radijus), elipsa (MinorRadius), sfera (radijus), toroid (radijus1), ravnina (smjer), crta (slijedite smjer), točka (položaj vrha XYZ) Ako nije otkriven nijedan objekt (nije odabir), opruga se stvara u točki XYZ 0., 0., 0. See the Primjeri Makronaredba verzije : 01.17 Datum zadnje izmjene : 2020/11/12 Verzija FreeCAD : 0.19 Preuzimanje datoteka : Download the the Icons in .zip file Autor : Mario52 |
Autor |
Mario52 |
Preuzimanje datoteka |
Download the the Icons in .zip file |
Linkovi |
Makro recepti Kako instalirati makronaredbe Kako prilagoditi alatne trake |
Verzija |
01.17 |
Datum zadnje izmjene |
2020/11/12 |
Verzije FreeCAD-a |
0.19 |
Zadani prečac |
None |
Vidi također |
None |
Ova makronaredba stvara proljeće s prilagodljivim, svaki okret može promijeniti proljetnu konfiguraciju koja se može spremiti u datoteku s ekstenzijom .FCSpring
Otkriveni su: Površina (smjer lica), Cilindar (radijus), elipsa (MinorRadius), sfera (radijus), toroid (radijus1), ravnina (smjer), crta (slijedite smjer), točka (položaj vrha XYZ)
Ako nije otkriven nijedan objekt (nije odabir), opruga se stvara u točki XYZ 0., 0., 0.
Temporary code for external macro link. Do not use this code. This code is used exclusively by Addon Manager. Link for optional manual installation: Macro
# This code is copied instead of the original macro code # to guide the user to the online download page. # Use it if the code of the macro is larger than 64 KB and cannot be included in the wiki # or if the RAW code URL is somewhere else in the wiki. from PySide import QtGui, QtCore diag = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Information, "Information", "This macro must be downloaded from this link\n" "\n" "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mario52a/68c81c32a0727a693d3a/raw/91cbf54580d8af331f9b371f4951a40b9ef506f3/Macro_FCSpring_Helix_Variable.FCMacro" + "\n" "\n" "Quit this window to access the download page") diag.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) diag.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.ApplicationModal) diag.exec_() import webbrowser webbrowser.open("https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mario52a/68c81c32a0727a693d3a/raw/91cbf54580d8af331f9b371f4951a40b9ef506f3/Macro_FCSpring_Helix_Variable.FCMacro")
FCSpring Helix Variable
Ovaj odjeljak služi za konfiguraciju opruge
Shematski detalj konfiguracije opruga
Ovaj je odjeljak prikazan ako je odabran objekt. Objekt tipa je prikazan u uređivaču teksta
Objekt može biti linija, 2 boda, krug, žica ... jedna osa se automatski stvara duljina opruge
Otkrivanje: cilindar (radijus), sfera (radijus), toroid (radijus), konus (mali radijus), krug (radijus), luk (radijus), elipsa (mali radijus)
(0)(xx) : Odabir broja, duljina u mm stvorene osi x 10, tj. Broj točaka za pomicanje opruge osi
Prikaz izvješća prozora prikazao je svu izmijenjenu vrijednost.
Primjer za modificirano proljeće
Kada se makro pokrene, u tabličnom se obliku prikazuje cijeli popis skretanja.
Ovdje su podaci o izvoru iznad i prikazani u prikazu izvješća
Preuzmite sliku i kopirajte datoteku u svoj makro repertoar.
Kliknite sliku, u novom prozoru postavite pokazivač miša iznad slike, kliknite desnu tipku miša i učinite "Spremi cilj kao ..."
Macro icons
Preuzmite makronaredbu u Gist Macro_FCSpring_Helix_Variable
A fenti fájl egy makró GitHub kód formájában. Töltse le a Zip fájlt a GitHub-on, majd kövesse a próbabábut makrók telepítésére vonatkozó útmutatásait, amely a következő webhelyen látható: installing FreeCAD macros in Ubuntu.
Valves Assembly IN EX with permit and created by r.tec see Inlet & Exhaust Valves Assembly and Spiralfeder thanks r.tec
Difference between Smooth (here 71 with precision 5 (72 points)) and normal
Example create conical spring
Primjer stvaranja opruge na krugu
Pomaknite se duž osi
Rasprava na forumu Try to do a Spring
opružna opruga
omekšati priključke :done
promijenite promjer na bilo koju zavojnicu :done
11/07/2024 version 01.19 delete "import WebGui" replaced by "import webbrowser" and optimise filter for OS Linux Mint
2023/09/01 Version 0.18c adding FreeCAD.activeDocument().recompute(None,True,True)Texte en italique "bug" fixed by Syres thanks How to draw polygonal spirals in Freecad?
2023/09/01 Version 0.18b correct (adapt) the code :
self.PB_Adapt_Radius.setStyleSheet("background-color: QPalette.Base")
self.PB_Adapt_Radius.setStyleSheet("QPushButton {background-color: QPalette.Base}")
2022/03/16 Version 0.18 : adding scrollBar, possibility docking Left or Right, restore the chrono (time.time()), memorise the last FilePath
import time
global depart ; depart = 0.0
global arrivee; arrivee = 0.0
def chrono(switch): # 0=depart autre=stop
#time.strftime('%X %x %Z')#'15:44:07 12/14/19 Paris, Madrid'
global depart
global arrivee
if switch == 0:
depart = time.time()#time.clock()
App.Console.PrintMessage("Chrono begin : "+str(time.strftime('%X'))+"\n")
arrivee = time.time()#time.clock()
App.Console.PrintMessage("Chrono end : "+str(time.strftime('%X'))+"\n")
parcouru = ((arrivee - depart)/60.0)
App.Console.PrintError("Time execution : "+str("%.3f" % parcouru)+" min"+"\n\n")
return parcouru
except Exception: None
2020/11/12 Version=01.17 : suppress the timer chrono !!
2020/10/18 Ver 00.16b : i suppress the test on FC 18 line 56, i suppress the timer chrono and i wait one little
2020/05/01 Ver 00.16: correction error file (save and load) cause "label_11_Name" suppressed...
2020/04/11 Ver 01.15: layout and little presentation
2019/05/03 Ver 01.14: compatible FreeCAD 0.19.16523 (Git)
03/04/2017: ver 01.12: correction bug line 2314 add "global ui"
03/04/2017: ver 01.12: correction bug line 2314 add "global ui"
11/12/2016: ver 01.11: Adding Position of the spring on a selected object
10/09/2016: ver 01.10: Adding Button "Zoom" enlarge the textedit window
04/09/2016: ver 01.09: add smoothing
16/03/2016: ver 01.08 : correct and add "int()" to debutAngle and finAngle (read file)
02/03/2016: ver 01.07 : add option reverse spring
08/02/2016: ver 01.06 : correct bug angle cause "modifyAngle = int(file.readline().rstrip('\n\r')) # 9" modifyAngle is int() not char
07/01/2015: ver 01.05 : adding "Try ...Except" (data cone) for compatibility with old version
07/01/2015: ver 01.04 : adding spring conical and modify the path to "UserAppData" and adding the icone.
07/12/2014: ver 01.03 : new version with radius coil adjustable
17/11/2014: ver 1.02 : new version with GUI and modification any coil and save or load the data to disk.
10/11/2014: (23h20) correction of the modification
ligne.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0), App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,0,1),angleTr), App.Vector(0,0,0))
10/11/2014: modify line 44 :
a = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Line.Placement=App.Placement(App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0), App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,0,1),angleTr), App.Vector(0,0,0))
ligne = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Line.Placement=App.Placement(App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0), App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,0,1),angleTr), App.Vector(0,0,0))
6/11/2014 : adding "makeBSpline" and configuration
Za vrijeme testova su ovdje greške koje sam dobio!
For the moment the macro is not adapted for the square, rectangle...
Only circle work well
Wrong usage of punctual sections